Friday, January 13, 2012

My Kids LOVE to Clean!!

Haha just kidding!! Who would believe that? Not anyone who has ever seen my house!! However, lately I have been following Clean Mama's blog, and been trying to follow her cleaning routine.  I have caught the organizational bug, and I am trying to get the house under control.

But there are forces working against me...mainly a 3 and 5 year old that feel the need to have the entire contents of their playroom in the livingroom/kitchen/bathroom/bedrooms/hallway...and a very handy husband who currently has 4-5 inside the house major construction projects going on, but none of them finished.

Then the other day I was desperately trying to clean something-anything, and my kids were following me around wanting to help, and they were naked as jaybirds because they had climbed out of the tub to "help", and they were fighting over the windex spray bottle and the duster and the disinfecting wipes...I decided that everyone needed their own cleaning stuff!

So, this was my fun project for the week, cleaning buckets for all!

Each bucket contains disinfectant wipes, a duster, two microfiber cloths, and a squirt bottle containing glass cleaner diluted with water.  Everything is from the dollar store, or the dollar section at Target, and everything is well labeled so that there will be no confusion over who's is who's.

And the GREATEST thing about these?! They get used!! even after several days, the kids love and use them, they will even pick toys up off of the table/shelf/floor so that they can have room to spray/dust/clean. YESSSSSSS!!!! And the bottom half of all of my windows has never looked cleaner :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just Desserts

As promised, a post full of desserts...enjoy.

Cookies and milk.  The cookies were very easy to make, and out of all of the food I think the kids play with these the most.

Little chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles, these fit in a mini-muffin tin just to give you a size reference.

Frosted doughnuts with sprinkles, and a little chocolate milk to wash them down. (The doughnuts are one of my favorite felt foods :)