Monday, March 12, 2012

Valentine Round-UP

Okay, so Valentine's Day is done, and I haven't been on here I thought I'd do a round-up of all the lovey-dovey projects we did for Valentine's Day.  Included are links to all of the sites where I found the projects as well as their wonderful tutorials.  Enjoy!

I found this idea on Pinterest and immediately fell in love with it.

A cute heart wreath made guessed it...FELT!  But it looks like lovely Valentine roses, and can add a little bit of Valentine love to your house.

Or you could give it as a gift....

Total cost for me was about $6...I used my JoAnn's coupon for the foam heart, and bought the felt on sale 3/4 of a yard should be good, and you need straight pins.  A wonderful tutorial for this project can be found at The Idea Room.  She says to use a 3 inch circle which, in case you were wondering, is the same size as a regular soup can (I used diced tomatoes).  Also, if you have a good movie to watch you can finish this project pretty fast, I made mine start-to-finish in one movie (the 6th Harry Potter) so approximately 153 minutes :)

Next up are some valentines for friends at school.  Since I just bought a new serger, we decided to sew Ryan's valentines this year.  She wrote on all of the hearts and I sewed them onto the little "baggies" which were then filled with packets of valentine fruit snacks from Target.  The idea for these came from one of my absolute favorite blogs: MADE.  All of her tutorials are unbelievably easy to follow (even for beginners) and everything turns out so cute!! You can find a tutorial for these valentines at her site.

I ended up buying WAY WAY too much fabric for the valentines, so we decided to make a cute valentine skirt for Ryan to deliver her treats in :) ...again the easiest skirt tutorial EVER!

And what Valentine outfit would be complete without a festive hair-do? This cute "heart hair" looks complicated, but really is very easy just a few ponytails and two with a full video tutorial, I'm sure you could all figure it out :)

Hope your February was full of L*O*V*E